

Silkem, d.o.o.

About Silkem SILKEM, a company with limited liability (L.t.d.) was founded on the basis of 40 years experience in the production of aluminium hydrates and various other special aluminas in Kidričevo, Slovenia. After the production was closed down in the “red section” of the old alumina-producing factory in 1991, we successfully built a new company, Silkem, using our inventiveness and making some adaptations. In our efforts over 10-years, and the realisation of new strategies, Silkem has developed a specialised production programme for synthetic zeolite, silicates and special aluminas. Already today, Silkem markets its products throughout more than 40 nationa…

Silkem, d.o.o.

Country: Slovenia
Address: Tovarniška cesta 10 , Kidričevo SLOVENIJA, EUROPE
Postal Code: SI - 2325
Website: http://www.silkem.si

Silkem, d.o.o.

Address: Tovarniška cesta 10 , Kidričevo SLOVENIJA, EUROPE Postal Code: SI - 2325 Website: http://www.silkem.si

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